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Version: Cloud

Monitor Aurora-PostgreSQL DB


Ensure that both the project and application are created within sfPoller. If they have not been created yet, you can click here to learn how to create a project and application in sfPoller.

Configure sfPoller to Collect Metrics

Follow the below step to add endpoints and plugins:

  1. In the Application tab of sfPoller, navigate to your Project > Application.

  2. Click on the Application, it will take you to the Endpoint page.

  3. Click the Add Endpoint button, add the following data, and save.

    • Service Type: Select AWS Service

    • Name: Give a meaningful name to the endpoint

    • IP/Endpoint: Add the application IP

    • Instance Name: Give the Instance name of your application

  4. In the Plugins window, click the +Add button.

  5. In the Add Plugin window, select the below details and save.

    • Plugin Type: Metric

    • Plugin: cloudwatch-aurora or cloudwatch-aurorapostgresinsights

    • Interval: Choose an interval value. The minimum value for the interval is 300

    • Status: By default, the status is Enabled

  6. Click the global Save button in the window's top right corner to save all the changes made so far.

Configure sfPoller to Collect Logs


  • Ensure that the aurorapostgresql slow query logs are enabled for the instance. Please refer to the following document to learn how to enable the aurorapostgresql slow query logs.

RDS for PostgreSQL database log files - Amazon Relational Database Service

  • The following parameter groups are mandatory to add when enabling the slow query logs.

    Parameter GroupDescription
    log_min_duration_sample(ms) Sets the minimum execution time above which a sample of statements is logged. Sample size is set using the log_statement_sample_rate parameter.
    log_min_duration_statementAny SQL statement that runs atleast for the specified amount of time or longer gets logged. By default, this parameter isn't set. Turning on this parameter can help you find unoptimized queries.
    log_statement_sample_rateThe percentage of statements exceeding the time specified in log_min_duration_sample to be logged, expressed as a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0
  • Publish the database logs to the Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Please refer to the following document to learn how to publish the database logs to the Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

    Publishing database logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs - Amazon Aurora

Add Enpoints and Plugin

Follow the below step to add endpoints and plugins:

  1. In the Application tab of sfPoller, navigate to your Project > Application.

  2. Click on the Application, it will take you to the Endpoint page.

  3. Click the Add Endpoint button, add the following data, and save.

    • Service Type: Select AWS Service

    • Name: Give a meaningful name to the endpoint

    • IP/Endpoint: Add the application IP

    • Instance Name: Give the Instance name of your application

  4. In the Plugins window, click the +Add button.

  5. In the Add Plugin window, select the below details and save.

    • Plugin Type: Logger

    • Plugin: cloudwatch_log_rds

    • Engine: postgresql

    • Interval: Choose an interval value. The minimum value for the interval is 300

    • Status: By default, the status is Enabled

  6. Click the global Save button in the window's top right corner to save all the changes made so far.

View Database Metrics and Logs

Follow the below steps to view the metrics collected from Aurora DB.

  1. Go to the Application tab in SnappyFlow and navigate to your Project > Application > Dashboard.

  2. You can view the database metrics and the slow query logs in the Metrics section.


Once plugins are added to sfPoller, they will be automatically detected within the Metrics section. However, if the plugins are not detected, you can import templates to view the corresponding metrics.

  1. To access the unprocessed data gathered from the plugins, navigate to the Browse data section and choose the Index: Metric or Logger, Instance: Endpoint, Plugin, and Document Type.

Template Details

TemplatePluginDocument TypeDescription
Auroracloudwatch-auroraInstanceStats, ClusterStatsMonitors AWS AuroraDB instance to collect all the cluster-level and instance-level metrics.
Aurora_Postgres_Insightscloudwatch-aurorapostgresinsightsRDSaurorapostgresDetailsMonitors AWS Aurora-PostgresDB to collect both native and non-native Postgres metrics.
Aurora_Postgres_Insightscloudwatch_log_rdscloudwatch_log_rdsTo collect the Aurora-PostgresDB logs.

Metric List

SwapUsageThe amount of swap space used.
StorageNetworkTransmitThroughputThe amount of network throughput received from the Aurora storage subsystem by each instance in the DB cluster.
CPUUtilizationThe percentage of CPU used by an instance.
DatabaseConnectionsThe number of client network connections to the database instance.
StorageNetworkReceiveThroughputThe amount of network throughput received from the Aurora storage subsystem by each instance in the DB cluster.
ReadLatencyThe average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation.
EngineUptimeThe amount of time that the instance has been running.
NetworkTransmitThroughputThe amount of network throughput sent to clients by each instance in the Aurora DB cluster.
FreeableMemoryThe amount of available random access memory, in bytes.
FreeLocalStorageThis metric reports the amount of storage available to each instance for temporary tables and logs.
DeadlocksThe average number of deadlocks in the database per second.
CommitThroughputThe average number of commit operations per second.
CommitLatencyThe average duration of commit operations.
AuroraReplicaLagFor an Aurora replica, the amount of lag when replicating updates from the primary instance.
WriteThroughputThe average number of bytes written to persistent storage every second.
WriteIOPSThe number of Aurora storage write records generated per second.
ReadThroughputThe average number of bytes read from disk per second.
ReadIOPSThe average number of disk I/O operations per second.
RDSToAuroraPostgreSQLReplicaLagTThe lag when replicating updates from the primary RDS PostgreSQL instance to other nodes in the cluster
DiskQueueDepthThe number of outstanding read/write requests waiting to access the disk.
db.SQL.tup_deletedNumber of rows deleted by queries in this database.
db.SQL.tup_fetchedNumber of rows fetched by queries in this database.
db.SQL.tup_insertedNumber of rows inserted by queries in this database
db.SQL.tup_returnedNumber of rows returned by queries in this database.
db.SQL.tup_updatedNumber of rows updated by queries in this database.
db.Transactions.active_transactionsno of transactions which are currently being executed.
db.Transactions.blocked_transactionsno of transactions which are blocked.
db.Transactions.xact_commitNumber of transactions in this database that have been committed.
db.Transactions.xact_rollbackNumber of transactions in this database that have been rolled back.
db.User.numbackendsNumber of backends currently connected to this database.
db.Concurrency.deadlocksNumber of deadlocks detected in this database.
db.WAL.archived_countNumber of WAL files that have been successfully archived.
db.WAL.archive_failed_countNumber of WAL files that have been failed to archive.
db.Checkpoint.checkpoint_sync_latencyThe total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are synchronized to disk.
db.Checkpoint.checkpoint_write_latencyThe total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are written to disk.
db.IO.read_latencyThe time spent reading data file blocks by backends in this instance.